Package fr.cnes.sitools.common

Class Summary
AbstractPluginResource Abstract class for plugin adminstration ressources
SitoolsCommonDateConverter Date converte for tests See also SitoolsCommonDateConverter
SitoolsComponent Component with specific SitoolsSettings
SitoolsJacksonRepresentation<T> Representation based on the JACKSON library.
SitoolsMediaType Specific MediaTypes for Sitools2
SitoolsRepresentations Class to produce common representation of a standard and generic SITools Response.
SitoolsResource Standard representation of a response (XML / JSON) TODO standard HTML response with a FreeMarker template ...
SitoolsSettings Class for managing global settings
SitoolsXStreamRepresentation<T> Representation based on the XStream library.
XStreamFactory TODO rendre les drivers XML / JSon pour XStream() configurables au lieu de ceux par defaut TODO representation JSON du recordSet - streaming Json ?

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